Staying Committed to Your Purpose

Sometimes it may get difficult to stay committed to our purpose. Whenever we are doing something to benefit others, we will always run into resistance because we are doing the work of God. Because Satan does not want to see us succeed, it takes diligent effort to keep from becoming frustrated with our purpose.

The God Who Provides and Satan who steals

In the midst of us living out our purpose, Satan always has a way of causing frustration, confusion, disappointment, hindrances, and setbacks. Do you see how these words have a negative connotation? That is Satan doing his job of stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10) what we’re purposed to do.    Satan’s purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy our purpose, walk with God, and relationships, everything God has planned for us. Satan has no intention of allowing us to succeed without him planting doubt, fear, and hindrances into our journey. God wants us to focus on His will, His way, and His Word to receive the benefits of maneuvering through Satan’s schemes. God’s desire is to give us an abundant life (John 10:10b). He wants to see us have fulfilled lives, filled with His glory. Each one of us has a specific purpose we are to complete in this one life we are given.

3 things to remember:

* God’s purpose for your life;

* Your vision; and

* Your heart’s desires.


As defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary:

  1. Purpose—an object or end to be attained which includes intention, resolution, and determination.

* We have to be intentional about setting realistic goals to live within our purpose.

* We need to be able to bring resolution (or a solution) to others as a result of our purpose.

* We must have the determination to remain in our purpose, especially when others are not providing support or encouragement. As the song is written, “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.” There are going to be individuals who do not see the vision God has given you. Do not allow yourself to become discouraged because if you do, Satan will disrupt your progress and cause you to lose sight of your vision because of what others have to say. When you get frustrated in your purpose, Satan knows that he has you off track, and out of alignment with your vision and soon, you’ll recognize additional problems beginning to occur. For those who don’t support you, remember that the vision was given to you for a purpose, not to them.


  1. Desire—to long or hope for; to express a wish for; or request.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). God’s plan is to give you the desires of your heart as long as they align with the will He has for your life. We have to consistently assess the desires of our hearts to determine the true motive, and if they are self-centered desires that will ultimately not benefit us or others.

Additionally, as we pray for the desires of our hearts, we have to be careful not to fear the things we are praying and asking God to do for us. It is interesting when women say, “I’ve been praying for this and now that it’s happening, fear is rising up in me.” Satan’s tactics…cause fear when we are being blessed and doors of opportunity are opening that God wants us to boldly walk through.

God’s Purpose

  1. God’s purpose: We have to know what God’s purpose is for us. For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will (John 6:38). Jesus knew exactly what His purpose was and did not deter from what He was called to do. He was not easily influenced by man and did not get off course or change His vision. We all know that He didn’t have the support of everyone. Even those who witnessed the many things He did would later shout “Crucify Him”. Even in all of this, Jesus remained committed because He knew exactly the work He needed to do for God’s will to be done and for our salvation.

In the midst of frustrations and disappointments that will arise and not receiving the support you desire, never give up on God’s purpose or your vision, dreams, and goals. When you need more instructions, pray and ask God to give you clarity and keep a razor-sharp focus on the end result.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9


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    #Committed, #Love2Llife, #Purpose

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