-By Trina McWilliams
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 3:18 NIV
I started a Facebook ministry, at least that’s what I called it, a week before I received some news that would break my heart and cause me to not date for 3 years. The day I set up the Facebook page named “Growing in Grace” and started posting encouraging words, poems, and scriptures. I didn’t know I would then use those same words to encourage myself a week later. God had prepared me to heal by encouraging others and helping others heal. We deliver others through the words of our testimony (Revelation 12:11).
The Beginning
I was dating a man who had been my friend prior to our dating for four years. He pursued me slowly and was consistent. He was not only my friend but also a mentor of mine. I would go to him for advice as it related to my career and over time I fell for him. I said to myself this is the one because he pursued me differently than any other man had. I decided to date him and of course, I let him know I was saving myself for marriage. With this, he was not patient at all and for the first time, I saw an impatient man. One day I finally gave in and he was this erratic beast, who was not gentle and was not patient. I realized that it was not love at all. When it was over, it was as if he had conquered me. I felt the innocence of what we had left instantly and he changed immediately. In a few short months, I found out he was moving to California to be with his 3 children and the woman he was engaged to be married. The way he treated me left me devastated and shocked.
Growing in Grace
However, I thank God for His Grace and Mercy because I knew I couldn’t let this hurt and pain ruin my life. I had gone through so much and this was a defining factor that God showed me that this would be the yoke-destroying power that I would use to heal and help deliver others.
During this time, I read every self-help book I could find. I prayed and cried relentlessly asking God to mend my broken heart so that I could be ready for the man that should be in my life. This man was going to move on with his life and I didn’t want to be this broken and bitter woman that would run every man away because of my pain. I posted in Growing in Grace every day and sometimes did a weekly series on topics such as; Patience, Joy, and Forgiveness. As I was posting scriptures, I allowed these scriptures to be embedded in my spirit for healing. My posts reached hundreds a day and if it helped one person (me) then it was doing its job.
Healing from the Inside Out
To God be the Glory, I took my time and healed from the inside out by:
- praising,
- encouraging others,
- reading, and
- studying God’s Word until my heart was whole.
Contrary to what we may think, only God can fill the void in our lives because no man has this power. Be aware that the enemy will send a fraudulent man posing to be your knight in shining armor. I encourage you to use the spirit of discernment because he could be a thief in the night coming to steal your joy, distract you from your purpose, and kill your dreams.
Ladies, realize this, sometimes a loss is a gain. Ask yourself if the man leaves, will you still have everything you need to survive? Absolutely! God promises to supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). God said he will give you beauty for your ashes (Isaiah 61:3) It’s healing time! It’s time to focus on Growing in Grace!