
Be FREE from New Year’s Resolutions!  

The New Year has started, and many of you have set New Year’s resolutions. What was the motivation for making your New Year’s resolutions? Have you established a solid plan for how to meet the resolutions?

A few commonly made resolutions.

  • Lose Weight, Eat Healthier, and Exercise More
  • Quit drinking and smoking
  • Paying off debt
  • Developing a savings plan
  • Get more organized
  • Have a more intimate relationship with God
  • Start a new business
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Learn something new
  • Get a new job or start a new profession
  • Take your dream vacation
  • Get adequate sleep
  • And the list goes on and on…

Are any of these on your list? I learned years ago that I was not good at keeping these resolutions and by month 2, I was not even thinking about the supposedly firm decisions I had made for the year.

Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Goals

Therefore, I now set daily, weekly, and monthly goals to help me reach the ultimate goal that I want to accomplish. Daily, weekly, and monthly goals are easier to attain and will help keep you focused on the bigger goal or the bigger picture that you have envisioned.

For example, your desire may be to take a dream vacation which is going to require a savings plan, which ultimately will be obtained by spending less. A daily goal will include, preparing your lunch instead of eating out and not visiting coffee shops on a daily basis. A weekly goal would include saving the money that would’ve been spent on lunch and coffee and placing it into the savings plan for the vacation. A monthly goal would be to save money directly from your paycheck to a different savings account specified for the vacation. If done with focus, accuracy, diligence, and effort, you’ll be able to take the vacation of your dreams!

Simple Steps

While this may seem like a simple plan, sometimes you need to see how SIMPLE STEPS in any of your GOALS, can equal BIG RESULTS. Any step forward is better than no step at all.

Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:17

Think about it this way; a dream by itself without you putting the work into it remains a dream! In seeing the bigger picture, consider having a vision board or a vision book for 2018 with specific details on how to reach your ultimate goal.

While I focused on a dream vacation, the number one New Year’s Resolution that is made is to lose weight. Has this been a resolution you’ve had for years? If so, what adjustments are you going to make daily, weekly, and monthly to reach your desired goal? Let go of the New Year’s Resolution and focus on short-term goals to achieve your ultimate goal for long-term success! I want to see you succeed in 2018.


12 Day Love Yourself to Life Self-Reflection & Vision Journal




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    #Love2Life, #Purpose

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