Always Wear Your Tiara™ “Girls” Edition

Which door would you choose? Beautiful or Average? Dove has a commercial in which two doors are labeled with the words beautiful and average and anyone entering the doors had to decide which door they would enter. Many of the young ladies and women chose average while others chose to go through the door marked beautiful. After showing this video to the young girls at the Bosses Don’t Bully event, hosted by Sydney Johnson and Kristen Johnson, we discussed the importance of seeing themselves as beautiful regardless of what others may say to or about them.


Young girls feel the pressure of “labels” because of their appearance, the way they dress, talk, walk, personal character, etc. They are faced with bullying in person and on social media. Helping them to understand their personal beauty, not just on the outside, but inner beauty, my hope is that they gained a greater sense of not allowing negative words from others to affect how they see themselves. I understand the importance of helping them embrace who they are now and not be influenced by the words of others. Let’s face it; as adult women, when someone says something sarcastic or belittling to us, if we aren’t careful, we can easily become offended. Therefore, it’s imperative that we make a positive impression on girls at an early age.

The Tiaras

Tiaras! There’s excitement in the room. Smiles, giggling, laughter, and questions such as “Are they real tiaras?” I surprised the girls with “real” tiaras after I shared with them the basis of Love Yourself to Life™. After revealing the tiaras, instinctively, the young girls formed a line down the center of the room. I placed a tiara on the youngest attendee and handed her a tiara to place on the head of the person behind her and so forth. Not only was the recipient excited to receive a tiara, but the one who placed the tiara on her head was excited to “pay it forward”.

“I am” 

After everyone received a tiara, we creatively talked about the effects of the words that we say after “I Am.” At the beginning of the event, they were given wooden hearts. They were asked to write their name on the hearts and the words “I Am.” As we progressed through the event, they were asked to write words that describe their personalities.  Some of the words written on the hearts were:

  • Graceful
  • Kind
  • Confident
  • Smart
  • Beautiful
  • Bold
  • Powerful
  • Loving
  • Friendly
  • Thankful
  • Energetic
  • Wise
  • Brave
  • Cute
  • Noble
  • Awesome
  • Girly
  • Cool
  • Fun
  • Achiever
  • A Friend
  • Energetic

With tiaras on their heads and the words written on their hearts, I encouraged them to always remember the importance of not allowing others to bully them into believing something that is untrue about their character. Why? Because Bosses Don’t Bully!


#IAm, #Teens, #Tiara, Confidence, Love2Life

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