Always Wear Your Tiara 2017

For the past several years I’ve hosted a private event to encourage women to embrace the essence of who they are and not allow their past to interfere with their future. This year’s Always Wear Your Tiara event was more than I expected. Mrs. Malissa Davis, Guest Speaker, encouraged us on the topic of “You were designed to handle the weight of your crown.”

Key Topic Points #Nuggets

  • I have the crown of God’s glory. We are crowned in His glory.
  • Crying is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of flushing out toxins.
  • Everything we have gone through in life was for such a time as this. It did not break us. We are still here.
  • Nothing we’ve gone through in life is a waste.
  • Don’t rule ourselves out if God hasn’t ruled us out.
  • Don’t give away what is precious to us for a bowl of soup. Genesis 25:29-34
  • Part of love is taking the risk of being hurt.
  • With wearing the crown comes, Accountability and Responsibility Esther 4:12-14
    • Queen Esther saved a nation
    • When we honor the crown of glory, we will have favor.
  • When we honor God with all of who we are, He will make sure we have everything we need. Philippians 4:19
  • Wearing the crown requires us to be humble. When we are wrong, it is important that we go back and make it right.
  • Sometimes when we wear the crown of glory we begin to doubt ourselves. We are to have faith in our abilities to be successful with the responsibilities of wearing the crown. Jeremiah 29:11
  • Sometimes when we dishonor God, we begin to beat ourselves up, but God came to save us. His blood washes us. We are forgiven.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:1

  • Be careful who we allow speaking into our lives and who we let our guard down to because they may not be able to handle the weight of our crown.

Please BELIEVE, UNDERSTAND, and have FAITH that you have exactly what it takes to handle the weight of your crown.

12 Day Love Yourself to Life Self-Reflection & Vision Journal

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    #AlwaysWearYourTiara, #Committed, #IntentionalInfluence, #Love2Life, #SpeakLife

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