Latest Past Events

Unsilenced Voices Summit

What if you could listen to stories that would inspire others and catalyze positive change? What if you could join a community that is built from understanding, empathy, and shared experiences? What if you can break down the barriers of shame and stigma that often surround trauma and abuse — fostering an environment of healing and empowerment? This summer, we invite you to join the Breaking The Silence Summer […]

Always Wear Your Tiara MeetUp Session at the National Black Nurses Association Conference 2023

Hilton Atlanta

Embracing one's true self and leaving the past behind is a transformative journey that every woman deserves to embark upon. Our identities are a rich tapestry of experiences, dreams, and resilience, and it's crucial to celebrate and honor this unique essence. Leaving the past behind doesn't mean forgetting it; rather, it means learning from it. […]