April is Rape Prevention Month and in an effort to help women learn techniques to protect themselves from attackers/aggressors/assailants, Joe Bolding and Monica Debro are hosting a Women Empowerment Self-Defense Class.Examples of when and how an attack can occur will be discussed with Q & A sessions. We will also have a discussion on domestic violence and the importance of embracing the essence to Love Yourself to Life. Attending this event is taking an active step towards being empowered with the tools necessary in the event of an attack.
Please not regarding attire for safety reasons:
No sandals, flip flops, open-toe shoes, spaghetti strap shirts, raised rings, or dangling/hoop earrings. Athletic attire preferred, shorts can be worn.
#SelfDefense #WomenEmpowerment #TakeAction #Love2Life #EndDomesticViolence